Banana Muffins at 4:00AM

I’ve been sleeping badly lately, waking up too early, getting to sleep too late/ early. Anyway, I went to bed early and woke up about 2:00AM today. I puttered around, slacked on Facebook games for awhile. Then I got thinking of more intelligent things to do, like doing something with that last banana getting over ripe. Banana bread needed 3 or so bananas, which wouldn’t work. So I checked pancakes but I am pretty sure my Mother (who is here, still sleeping) would turn her nose up at banana pancakes. So I went with banana muffins. I found a pretty standard looking recipe and added my own finishing adjustments. Right now they are in the oven.

I added some orange juice squeezed from an orange I was eating at the time. It was a delicious orange, very juicy. I added an extra egg, partly to make up for the lack of a second banana and partly because I didn’t want to leave one egg all alone in the fridge. I added cocoa powder because it smells so good! After I thought about adding some coffee, instant. But maybe that would have been one ingredient too many. So they are baking. Should be about ready to come out now.

One thought on “ Banana Muffins at 4:00AM

  1. The only thing that keeps me from baking at 4 am is the desire not to wake my mother us. The kitchen is in her part of the house. Probably just as well, too, since if I could bake at that hour I’d weigh 6000 lbs and my doctor is concerned enough at my weight….

    Last night was the first night that I went to bed and actually got to sleep at a “reasonable” hour. In the last month (or more?), I have been unable to sleep at night, trying but failing and finally feeling like I can sleep at 5, 6 or 7 am…and then sleeping half the day. Hopefully, tonight, I can follow last night’s pattern and drop off early.

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