Just a Crazy World

I don’t think they even know what gay or bisexual mean any more. The media has turned gay into a fashion statement, they forget it’s about your choice of sex partners. Why are 12 and 8 year old kids even thinking about their sexuality enough to claim they are gay or bisexual? Why can’t they just enjoy being kids while they’re still young enough to be kids?

2 thoughts on “ Just a Crazy World

  1. Okay this is getting really tiring, cuz i’m seeing this everywhere. Bisexual? Fashion statement? Media? I’m 13 and also bisexual. The media has no influence over my sexuality, so i’m really not understanding where you got that idea from. Also what’s with the “enjoy their childhood while they can.”? What does being Bi have to do with that? Bisexual:Liking both women and men. I know my sexuality. I’ve had girlfriends and Boyfriends (well once anyway). It’s really tiring seeing everyone treating kids like 5 year olds. Like they can’t make small decisions for themselves. “Kids should’nt be on the internet!”,”Kids should’nt decide their sexuality!”. Blah. Basically everything is just one big “Kids should let society influence them! Kids should let their parents tell them what personality to have!”. Ugh.

    • You’re 13, like it or not, that says it all. There is a reason 13 is still considered a minor. Why are you making sex and sexuality such an important part of your life when you are this young? Too young to even have sex without it being statutory rape. So why focus on it at all? Why not be 13 while you are 13? You’ve got a long time (if all goes well) to be old, to be sexual, why start before you are even legal?

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