Horoscope for Travel

Your Romance Horoscope for:
Friday March 05, 2004

It’s time to think about travel; if you can’t just drop everything and run, then at least do a little research together. Exploring together will inevitably bring you closer.

Your Horoscope for:
Friday March 05, 2004

You don’t mean to be exclusive, but like attracts like. Hang out with your soul brothers and sisters in a place far from jealous eyes. Your smile holds a secret for anyone that knows how to read it.

Horoscope from Regards.com

Someone is Calling your Name

Someone is calling your name. He’s tall and strong and lively. He wears a suit by day and comfortable overalls by night. His hair is dark and curly and his eyes sparkle as he laughs. He’s calling your name but you can’t quite hear him. He’s just too far away.

Someday you’ll find him. He’s been looking for you just as you’ve been looking for him. He’d love to find you, to reach out and touch you. He wants to wrap you in his life and hold you there forever. He’s longing for the day you will finally hear him calling your name.

Somewhere along the path you’re taking is the path he’s taking. The two of you will bump into each other. You’ll look up, see him and smile. He’ll call you once more just to see if you’ll answer. When you do the two of you will walk that path together.

Sometimes his voice seems faint, maybe it gets carried away in the wind. There are days when you think you won’t ever find him and he thinks the same way too. But, as long as he’s out there, still calling, you’ll know you have to keep listening, looking and walking in his direction. It’s only fair for you to keep listening while he’s still calling.

Some things will block out his voice and step in the way of your path. Just get around them or ease them aside. Make your life good and full but don’t put time into petty things that will just take up your time. Don’t look back. Keep walking, keep listening for him calling and you’ll get there, one day at a time.

Someone is calling your name, can you hear him yet?

I wrote this for the ScribbeFest which starts February 3rd at BackWash. But, I didn’t like it enough to leave it up for the Fest. So, here it is. I thought someone should read it, besides me.

Forwarding Along to Myself

Love match:
Sagittarius and Virgo

When Virgo and Sagittarius join together in a love match, the result is a well-rounded couple. Sagittarius is an explorer who loves to socialise, while Virgo prefers to analyse Sagittarius’ discoveries. Both enjoy talking about it with one another. Virgo may demand perfection too soon for Sagittarius’ taste, but over time Sagittarius will appreciate a steady and reliable lover whose head isn’t always in the clouds.

Virgo and Sagittarius have unique approaches to life; Virgo is more practical and less distracted, while Sagittarius is the energetic explorer. It can be hard for Sagittarius to go along with the pragmatic realism of Virgo. Virgo may have a hard time accepting the Sagittarian energy. Virgo can offer Sagittarius a secure base and keep them focused on their dreams and ambitions. Sagittarius can add variety and new excitement to Virgo’s day.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Mercury is about communication, and from Virgo’s perspective, analysing. Jupiter is philosophy, higher learning and travel. These two are about interpersonal communication and can sustain one another. Virgo and Sagittarius can amuse each other by discussing art and literature in great depth, Virgo focusing on the details and Sagittarius commenting on the broader picture.

Virgo is an Earth Sign and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius wants freedom, while Virgo needs financial strength and domestic stability. Sagittarius is motivated by pure feeling, while Virgo is more of a thinker. As long as they reassure each other that their love for one another is solid and real, any disagreements can usually be resolved.

Virgo and Sagittarius are both Mutable Signs. It’s easy for these two to become interested in each other’s lives. Each has no trouble granting the other the freedom to enjoy things external to the relationship. They have a wonderful, complimentary style of interaction and have no trouble working together.

What’s the best aspect of the Virgo-Sagittarius relationship? It’s the security they can give one another once they discover their similar lifestyles. They make a wonderful couple once they can teach one another to look at the world through new eyes. As long as they communicate and appreciate what they can learn, theirs will be a stable and happy relationship.

That much closer to 'over the hill'

Soon I’ll be 39. How does stuff like this keep happening to a nice girl like me? Isn’t 38 old enough? Someone should really put their foot down and stop this whole getting old thing. It’s a really bad habit.

Ok, back to reality. Thought I couldn’t find it, eh? Fooled you.

It still hurts to laugh. Have you ever puked so hard and so deeply that your rib area is sore two days later? I was not drinking and having a hangover. I woke up with what I’ve been calling asthma headaches and soon after I was puking over the bathroom sink. Couldn’t even keep the Tylenol I’d taken for the headache. After trying to distract myself with mindless cartoons on television I finally went back to bed. Donating the last of my stomach lining to the kitchen sink first. I’m sparing you more details but I had a shower to clean myself up after the first round. Aren’t you so glad you’re reading this now? Doesn’t this sound like some old lady talking about her hairy toes, her gout and her arthritis?

I don’t want to be old. People still say I look like I’m in my 20’s. I laugh. Then I laugh some more. Well, not today cause it hurts too much to laugh.

On December 19th, 2003, I’ll become 39. I’m trying to let it sink in a bit at a time now. Like getting tiny amounts of whatever you’re allergic to in order to become immune to it. Like poison. I’m not ready to be old. I’m not ready to be looking 40 in the eyeballs. How can I be this close to 40 already?!! I haven’t done even half the things a woman my age is supposed to have done. Instead I was lolly gagging around. I wasted time being afraid and intimidated, roiling in self doubt. I’m still roiling in self doubt, it keeps me imprisoned inside myself. Everything comes out in the words as I type them. Nothing comes from my eyes, my hands, or my mouth. People see me everyday and know nothing about me. People think they know me when they read what I write but they only know the bare minimalist details. How could they know more? I don’t even know it all yet. I never will, there’s just too much inside to sort it all out and find out where it came from, how it works and what the heck it wants from me.

Do you ever think there are aliens directing you? When I’m writing I sometimes feel like it’s someone else’s brain dictating to my fingers. My fingers just keep typing without caring what my eyes think as they see it all appear on the page in front of me. Kind of like a horror story where you lost all control and can only watch while strange and sometimes dreadful things happen.

Is that bloggish enough? Blogs are so full of dramatic poetry. It’s one of their attractions. To see someone else spin away on some tangent and maybe never quite make sense or even really care to.

So, I’m still here. Still going to turn 39 in just mere weeks. Life isn’t fair. I’m not ready to be one of those older women I used to watch when I was 16.

Wood Dragons Found in Books

Found in a book:

Sagittarius: You are an unforgettable and charming character with a blithe and friendly spirit, who attracts attention and affection. You always have a sparkle in your eyes, an easy laugh and magically light up a room. Your gregarious nature and sense of humor are powerful forces in any social situation. However, you often rebel and live according to your own laws which require personal freedom. You are far more romantic than most people think. Your ideal mate will be someone strong enough to hold you, yet flexible enough to let you spread your wings.

Pretty much what most sources say about Sagittarius. I’d get an astrology chart done but I’ve never found the full date of my birth. There is no time on the long form of my birth certificate. So, I’ll never know. I like Chinese astrology better than western anyway.It goes by the year. I’m a Wood Dragon.