Your Ruling Goddess

From iGoddess – your ruling goddess, how you are influenced and your food choices:


Mar 21 – Apr 20

Look to any battlefield and you’ll find an Athena-girl with her sword held high. She is generally ambitious, busy and burning the candle at both ends.

Defender of causes and endlessly energetic, you can benefit from food that is hot and spicy. Eat plenty of red food to keep your passionate energy fired up.


Apr 21 – May 21

Health, heart and hearth – these are the three key words that keep Juno girls excited. When her family is happy, she is happy.

Rich foods, heavenly sweets and lots of hearty carbs. Yep, anything tasty and substantial is likely to be on the menu for a Juno gal and her family.


May 22 – Jun 21

According to legend, Persephone shares her time between frolicking in the sunshine and hibernating in the underworld. She is the queen of balancing high and low energies.

Limit any metabolism spikes by grazing on tapas, appetisers, snacks and a variety of bite-sized foods. Eat smaller portions more often to maintain your energy levels.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

As the quintessential child of nature, Diana gals love the wild. They also like being wild, and feel at home connecting with Earth.

Promote the nurturing qualities of Mother Earth by preparing raw and organic foods. These are your comfort foods, so relish nutritionally-rich meals.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

Pele is the volcano goddess of Hawaii, and as such can be occasionally volatile – even if things appear calm on the surface.

Just like your namesake, it’s not uncommon to have a mountainous appetite for food fit for a queen. Pep up the menu with a flaming desert.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

Practical and earthy, the Hestia-girl’s home is her castle. She is intrinsically connected with the source of life: Mother Earth.

If not in your garden attending to your fresh herb and vegetable patch, make sure you enjoy scouring the local grocer for the yummiest organic food.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

With the goddess of love as their patroness, Venus-gals are naturally attracted to decadence, fun and the finer things in life. They love immersing themselves in beauty.

With such an abundance of choice, take your time to decide what you really want to eat. You’re drawn to bright colours and textures so aim for fresh fruit and salad vegetables.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Bast is the Egyptian cat-goddess. It is no surprise therefore that she bestows qualities of playfulness, poise and feline sensuality.

The spicier the better! Food is meant to be enjoyed – take it beyond “functional” and make meals an expression of your creative spirit.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

This Welsh goddess is known for her white mare and her association with the dream world. As such, Rhiannon inspires wanderlust, (usually by adventurous means.)

There is no end to the exciting and exotic foods for you to try. Of course, the best place to eat is in exotic places – the more romantic and far-flung the better.


Dec 22 – Jan 20

Demeter gals excel at pursuing justice and getting projects completed – sometimes at the expense of their own wellbeing.

Keep the energy levels firing with hearty meals. Go for stodgy, filling and stick-to-the-rib foods that will keep you going and going and going.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

Hathor women are open-minded, adaptable and expert shape-shifters. They transcend boundaries to keep their lives interesting and full of magic.

Yes, sometimes it is unfair that you have to eat earthly food – if only you could eat the fare of angels from plates made of clouds! Go for divinely inspired concoctions instead.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Oshun is the beautiful African river goddess that inspires her women to strive for their best. Anything’s possible with Oshun’s gifts of love.

Ahhh, with the ocean as your mother, how can you resist a magnificent seafood banquet? Dive into a wide range of oceanic delights.

Making Finger People

I posted twice before with pictures I found made by drawing on the fingers of your hand. Some of the others I found since, on Flickr and other websites, are very clever. See my other posts Finger People and Finger Dancers.

Going Without Shampoo?

Keeping your hair clean without shampoo. Would you try it?

The Boston Phoenix: The No Poo Do
Natural Family Online: Why You Should Go No ‘Poo
The Carousing Classist: Taking the Hippy Dippy Plunge
The Daily Mail, UK: Could you Survive without Shampoo?
Simply Living Lightly on the Earth: The No Poo Movement

little city farm

little city farm – We are an urban homesteading family trying to live simply and sustainably in a mid-sized city in southwestern Ontario. We aim to provide many of our basic needs (food, water, shelter, energy, transportation) while reducing our impact on the environment.

Facebook Horoscope for Today

You are thinking about the deep mysteries of life, the world, and everything. You may be turning to the older members of your family or community for advice and insight, because you are feeling confused about your personal, social or cultural values.

Even the Facebook application knows I am wandering through the deep, thick woods of my own brain these days. I have become entangled in Facebook games, far too many of them and far too many hours spent there. Although, half of the time spent is just waiting for the games to load or move from one screen to the next (which is also loading in the technical sense).

This is what I wrote in my Facebook status just now:

It’s a bit gross how much of these Facebook games I am playing lately. I used to see real stuff on my profile here. Now it is all game spam. I need a change. I need a break. I need a lot of things and the only one who can do anything about it is me.

Yet, I will be there tomorrow, feeding the llamas, picking the cherries, scaring the bear, etc. I need a new obsession.

Is Scorpio Compatible?

Scorpio Pig and Sagittarius Dragon?

A love match between Scorpio and a Sagittarius should move forward slowly, they need time getting to know each other on a deep, significant level or else they run the risk of jumping in too far, too fast. This relationship could be over before either partner even realises it’s started if they’re not careful! Their patience will be very richly rewarded. Sagittarius thrives on change, on the new and the exciting and on the power of positive thought. Scorpio loves intimacy and always seeks to strengthen emotional ties. Early in the relationship, Sagittarius could feel hemmed in by Scorpio’s rapt attention and high expectations for love. If Scorpio can control their emotions, these two are in for satisfaction and excitement.

Both Scorpio and Sagittarius see each day as an adventure (or in Scorpio’s case, a compelling mystery) and as an endless opportunity to explore, to probe and to learn. While Sagittarius may get fed up with Scorpio’s stubbornness and inflexibility, Scorpio could be thinking their Sagittarian lover is just a little too hot-headed. They’ll enjoy learning together, and travel could be very beneficial for this pair. Their relationship is one of movement and action.
Pluto and Mars rule Scorpio, and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Mars is the God of War, opening the door to Scorpio’s determined, courageous character. Mars, when combined with Pluto, represents rebirth and renewal. Jupiter focuses on philosophy, optimism, luck and travel. These planetary attributes – of growth, expansion and masculine energy – can combine to create a sustainable relationship of mutual admiration.
Scorpio is a Water Sign, and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius is the spontaneous partner, heading wherever their whim leads them, while Scorpio’s motives are more subdued, less easy to read. Even if they do misinterpret each other’s motivations, crisis can be averted. If these love mates agree that their relationship is significant, their devotion and affection will see them through.
Scorpio is a Fixed Sign, and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Sagittarius gets the urge to jump around from project to project, so Scorpio’s stamina is vital for the realisation of any task undertaken by this pair. Lucky for this Scorpion partner, Sagittarius notices all the work their mates put in – and they definitely show their appreciation when they know it’s needed. Scorpio can be stubborn, exacting and demanding, so this mate needs to give their Sagittarius love their personal space if this relationship is to succeed.
What’s the best thing about the Scorpio-Sagittarius relationship? The security and flexibility they can give one another. Once they open up and learn to appreciate their different philosophies on love and life, these two have the potential for steamy relations, deep connections and heartfelt respect. As long as they communicate and celebrate their differences, this will be a passionate relationship.

Chinese sign profile: Dragon

The Dragon is one of the most powerful signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Lucky as well. Dragons are giving, intelligent, tenacious and know exactly what they want and are determined to get it. Further, they can easily influence their peers and often find themselves the centre of attention in social situations. As if all this wasn’t enough, Lady Love is the Dragon’s best friend. The rest of the Dragon’s friends are always keen to hear what their Dragon pal has to say, and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon is the best one to do it.
It’s ego that can get the Dragon into trouble, but even so, this larger-than-life creature has an ability for initiating projects and keeping everyone motivated. According to Dragons, it’s their natural born right to lead the way. As luck would have it, Dragons are likely to achieve considerable material wealth during their lifetime, although they aren’t motivated by the pursuit of money. That said, Dragons are quite the opportunists, forever searching for ways in which to consolidate their considerable power. And power it must be, for a weakened Dragon is a sad sight, a creature that refuses to take defeat with even a modicum of grace. Question authority? That’s what the Dragon does best!
The role of leader is the only one the Dragon wants, a better position to give orders and be king of the hill. They are good leaders, too, knowing instinctively what needs to be done to succeed. Crossing the Dragon is never a good idea — the Dragon’s flame can burn! A valuable life lesson for this clever creature would be to absorb the principles of flexibility, compassion and tolerance. Being high and mighty can serve to inspire others, but it also keeps Dragons from living their life to the fullest. If Dragons can learn to balance their quest for results with an appreciation for the little things, their life will be more than worthwhile.
The most compatible match for a Dragon is a Monkey or Rat.

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility : Pig and Dragon

Very Good
This is a good match and has great potential. The Dragon will be taken in by the friendly Pig and in turn the Pig will find the Dragon’s energy to be scintillating. Both enjoy social outing and share a certain confidence and understanding in the relationship.

Pig Personality
Pigs are very peaceful, caring, tolerant individuals who live life to the fullest. If they don’t have anything interesting to do Pigs will immerse themselves in household chores and do it to perfection. Pigs are very peace loving individuals and they will do anything for the sake of family and friends.

Pigs are big time money spenders. They love good food, clothes, jewelry and sty
lish homes. They will do good in any profession that demands creativity. They are very enthusiastic when it comes to taking on responsibility and will also jump in to give a helping hand to colleagues.

Pigs are very strong companions. They make very warm and caring lovers but back off when their partner gets too opinionated. Pigs are very warm individuals but they may come across as reserved in public. Pigs have a great thirst for knowledge. Because of this nature they make never become easily bored with life.

Dragon Personality
The Dragons are free spirits and are a bundle of energy. Conformance to a rule does not stick well with the Dragon. They are energetic, enthusiastic people who can also be pretty aggressive. The Dragon can see the route in a situation when others see only blind spots. Because of this Dragons can be very good leaders. Going after what they want is part of their nature and they will find ways to overcome obstacles and win in any situation.

Dragons love to do things on a grand scale. They love good food, big gestures, big ideas and live “a la mode”. They love nature and spending time outdoors. They are not big time on home-related activities but they respect and protect their home and family.

Dragons are emotionally very self-sufficient people because of which they are often not disappointed people. Friends and family love them.