Dare to Be a Feminist


Scoop.it: Dare to be a Feminist

My friend, Deanna, writes about a lot of issues to do with women. When I read them, I feel passionate, angry, etc. But, I don’t write about women’s issues or feminism myself. I don’t curate a topic about it. I don’t even look for or read about it.

I don’t think Deanna has ever asked me why. Maybe she already knows, or assumes I’m just one more woman who goes along and doesn’t think about the issues, or especially care. Maybe she thinks I prefer not to know and just walk along, blindly ignoring everything but what’s right in front of me.

That isn’t it. The truth is I just don’t want to keep fighting. I’m not the fighting type. I’m about keeping the peace, finding ways to work things out and getting situations under control. Women are natural peace keepers they say and I believe that to be true.

I grew up as the oldest of four kids. I looked after the others and myself.  I did it pretty well for a kid. My Mother was there. But, she was more like a back up plan. She liked (still does) being busy, always cooking, cleaning or planting something. She was a good Mother but she wasn’t always so hands on. That was me. I learned to keep four kids together when we were out and I learned to keep four pretty different temperaments together when we were home. Situations came up where there were disagreements, problems, even a small house fire, and I handled them all.

I’ve never been particularly into news reading. A headline will catch my eye. I am far more likely to skim the first paragraph then read on to find out the details. If the first paragraph engages me I will skim farther along. I have to be pretty passionate about the topic to read the whole thing. Seems far more people are like me than ever before, when it comes to reading news and blogs.

So, I don’t find the issues important to women first. I read it all second hand.

Don’t assume I’ve had an ideal life, never affected by anything. I’ve been molested as a young teenager. My sister was raped and would have been murdered if someone hadn’t heard her scream and come to look. All sorts of situations and happenings in my life, not all of them about sexual assault. I stopped reading the news or listening to the news a few years ago because I just can’t deal with more violence against women and how deeply angry I feel. You can’t live your day to day life if you are consumed by deep seated anger.

I find it hard to be social, to keep friends. I can be friendly and social in short spurts. I do it really well. People usually like me. But, I’m not connected to anyone, really. I’m isolated and most of who I am likes it this way.

So I don’t keep up with women’s issues. Not because I don’t care. Not because I’m not affected. But, because I’m too affected and I just can’t live with all the anger. I have to keep living and I can’t spend my time fighting everything and everyone. I have enough to do just to fight myself. To keep myself from hiding away from the world.

If you ask me, I will say I’m a feminist. But, it may be that no one will agree with me, or believe me, because I’m not a fighter on the outside.

Just a Crazy World

I don’t think they even know what gay or bisexual mean any more. The media has turned gay into a fashion statement, they forget it’s about your choice of sex partners. Why are 12 and 8 year old kids even thinking about their sexuality enough to claim they are gay or bisexual? Why can’t they just enjoy being kids while they’re still young enough to be kids?

Post Modern Political Leanings

I don’t get into a lot of political talk. I have an Uncle who loves discussions of politics, not individual issues but politics itself. My ex-husband used to be interested as well. He looked for labels to describe political leanings, points of view. I still don’t know where I fit in. Here, in Canada, we don’t have Republican and Democratic. We have Liberal and Conservative as the two main parties, but there are others: NDP being one which is beginning to gain ground. The Green Party is still pretty new but also picked up their pace this month in the latest election.

Anyway, Bev posted a link to Political Typology and I took the quiz. I came out as Post Modern. I’m not really sure what meaning this has but it does sound pretty impressive in a sci fi way. I’ve cut and pasted the description from the site. Some of it is on the mark, some of it is interesting and some is way off base. For instance, I’ve never watched The Daily Show and I don’t see myself as all that liberal when it comes to social issues.


What They Believe
Generally supportive of government, though more conservative on race policies and the safety net
Strongly supportive of regulation and environmental protection
Most (56%) say Wall Street helps the economy more than it hurts
Very liberal on social issues, including same-sex marriage
One of the least religious groups: nearly a third are unaffiliated with any religious tradition
Favor the use of diplomacy rather than force
Who They Are
The youngest of the typology groups: 32% under age 30
A majority are non-Hispanic white and have at least some college experience
Half live in either the Northeast or the West
A majority (58%) live in the suburbs
63% use social networking
One-in-five regularly listen to NPR; 14% regularly watch The Daily Show

Going Without Shampoo?

Keeping your hair clean without shampoo. Would you try it?

The Boston Phoenix: The No Poo Do
Natural Family Online: Why You Should Go No ‘Poo
The Carousing Classist: Taking the Hippy Dippy Plunge
The Daily Mail, UK: Could you Survive without Shampoo?
Simply Living Lightly on the Earth: The No Poo Movement

Foraging for Wild Food

ForageSF was conceived of by Iso Rabins in early 2008, with the mission to connect Bay Area dwellers with the wild food that is all around them. Through a monthly box of all wild foraged foods, which we call a CSF, we deliver fresh, sustainably harvest wild food to city dwellers. From wild mushrooms to acorn flour, there is a wealth of edible forage just outside our doors that few people know about, and still fewer ever consume. Our goal is to push people out of the supermarket, to get them trying new foods harvested sustainably and fairly by their neighbors. As part of our community focused philosophy, 50% of the profit from the sale of any product we purchase from a forager goes straight to that individual . That is, to the person who collected it.