Single Serving Chocolate Cake in the Microwave

Chocolate Cake In 5 Minutes!


4 Tablespoons cake flour
4 Tablespoons sugar
2 Tablespoons cocoa
1 Egg
3 Tablespoons milk
3 Tablespoons oil
1 Mug

Mix flour, sugar and cocoa:
Spoon in 1 egg
Pour in milk and oil, and mix well
Put in microwave for 3 minutes on maximum power (1000watt)
Wait until it stops rising and sets in the mug
Tip contents out of mug onto saucer and enjoy!

Sunday Scribblings: "I just don't get it…"

For Sunday Scribblings . There are so many things I just don’t get.

I don’t get why receive is spelled with the e before the i.

I don’t get why I get a headache before I even start to feel hungry.

I don’t get why we haven’t had a letter from any of those people on other planets yet?

I don’t get why my bottom lip seems to have a dip in the middle and I always have drips of coffee down the side of my mug. Even if I try to stick my lip right to the side of the mug.

I don’t get why some really bad writing is published as if it were good.

I really don’t get why we still have so much fuss and talk about the US entertainment, writers and actors instead of our own. As if our own is somehow not worth making a fuss about.

I don’t get how art that looks like someone dropped their paintbrush can sell for loads of money.

I don’t get every country still needs their own form of currency.

I don’t get why we need to take math for so many years in school. Except for the odd occasion, the only time I come across anything mathematical any more is when I’m watching a game show.

I don’t get why onions make me feel so sick.

There is more I don’t get but that’s enough for tonight.

Witches (Not So) Weekly

What is one item that is sacred to you? (Can be anything, tool, amulet, object, etc)

What holidays or time of year do you consider most sacred to you personally?

Describe your sacred space (can be anywhere, indoors, outdoors, etc):

One item which always feels spiritual and elemental to me are rocks, stones, pebbles and so on. I don’t know what it is. Maybe I like that they feel firm and hard in your hand, worn and created by the Earth and water. There is nothing quite like a rock warmed by the sun. Pavement and sand get too hot but a rock takes the heat and keeps enough or bounces it off enough that you can sit on it even when you run to get there across the burning sand or paved lot. There is just something special about rocks.

St. Patricks Day may be most sacred to me personally. Some of my Grandparents were from Ireland and I miss them. It may not be my favourite holiday on the Pagan or standard calendar but it does have a lot of personal meaning.

I think my sacred space is sitting right here in front of my computer monitor. Coffee mug (huge coffee mug) within easy reach when I stop typing. I have pretty much created an altar right here with something from all the elements. I’ve got a jasper rock on a chain. Wooden beads made into a hair band. Hand cream made from a shop called Fruits and Passion. Hand sanitizer, surely that counts as a water element if the coffee doesn’t do it for you. I’ve got Jann Arden, Bryan Adams, Loreena McKennitt, and Jazz Divas CDs beside my monitor, handy for sticking in the CD player. Couldn’t those count for the wind element as you need sound waves to hear them. Stretching a bit, maybe. Of course fire is covered by electricity powering the whole thing and the lights I’ve got on so I can see what I’m doing down here in the basement apartment. Not a bad altar eh?

Hair, But No Clouds in My Coffee

Blogging is a full time job. I don’t run ads on my blog so it’s not like I’m spamming my way to fortune (snicker) but I do seem to spend a long part of my evening (and day) here doing nothing. Nothing much that anyone would notice. Tonight I’ve been on Flickr for at least an hour, easily. I discovered another new site that lets you create your own portal which might be useful once I get the hang of it. I was on MyBlogLog and wondering how much use it will be once Yahoo really gets a grip on it. I forget what else I poked around at. Reading a few blogs, some Technorati and checking for two links which have mysteriously become bust this week. (I’m hoping they are coming back after the end of the month when bandwidth arises again like the phoenix from it’s own ashes).

On top of all that there is a damned hair in my coffee. I know it’s my own hair. I drank it anyway. I let the hair cling to the side of the mug and I ignored the little trouble maker. Do you go into full panic if there is a hair in your food? I knew someone who couldn’t eat something if it had a hair in it, even when it was their own hair. It didn’t bother me all that much. I know where it’s been afterall. I even know what brand of lovely smelling shampoo I used this morning.

Anyway, I’m glad to have coffee again, even the hairy kind. I had to go without this past week when finances were sadly depleted and I ran out of all my coffee making necessities at about the same time. So now, coffee is back in my life. Goodie for me.