My Birthday Colour is Silver


Capture You are the shy type. You get so lost in your own thoughts that you sometimes forget to interact with other people.
You are clever and bright. You find learning and thinking to be very easy.

What you find difficult is relationships. You have never been able to understand people.
You find both friendships and love to be difficult. It’s hard for you to communicate your needs, hopes, and fears effectively.

How Lucky are You?


You Are Bamboo

You are a very independent and unpredictable person. You do things your way, and you never know what turn your life will take.
You are very intellectual and logical. You try to think things through carefully, in steps.

Sometimes it seems like you are unemotional, but you try to have your emotions work for you instead of against you.
Those who know you best know who loyal, compassionate, and supportive you are. You are a very admirable person.

Your Luck Quotient: 60%

You have an average luck quotient.
There’s been times when you’ve been extremely lucky… but also times when you’ve been very unlucky.
You probably know that you can make your own luck in life, if you’re open to it.
So listen to your intuition as much as you can. It’s right more often than you might expect.

Quick and Dirty Career Test


Your Career Personality: Quiet, Service-Oriented, and Practical

Your Ideal Careers:



Forest Ranger



Jewelry designer

