What Would Buffy Do?


It’s a silly blog title. I’m not even posting about Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Sarah Michelle Geller, not really. I just keep looking at her picture on a book cover as I sit here at my nephew’s computer. He has two Buffy books on his desk.

I found this great swirling snowflake background image which I want to save. Thought this was as easy as emailing it to myself. I’m more likely to find it here versus forgetting it in my swamp of email.

I should be home again tomorrow. Almost a week of babysitting. Stretched longer cause they are supposed to be sanding the drywall in the basement and there is a lot of dust. Unless they clean up after themselves there will still be a lot of dust when I am back tomorrow but I guess the idea is that it will have settled by then.

I just want to sleep in my own bed again rather than the couch here. I want my computer too. I wonder if the milk I just bought for coffee will still be any good by the time I get back. All these little things that make a life.

Friday Fun: Clotheshound Edition

Friday Fun

1. Do you have to dress for work? If so, what is your “uniform”?
2. How would you describe your style when dressing for yourself, rather than work?
3. I have noticed that there seem to be two kinds of dressers in the winter months. Those who love turtlenecks and those that abhor them! Which are you?!
4. It’s lounging time on the couch in the evening. What are you wearing?
5. Describe your favorite “feel good” outfit!

I don’t have to dress for work. I used to wear a Zellers golf shirt, black pants and shoes everyday when I worked at Zellers. I still don’t like wearing black and red together since then. But, I have all the black pants leftover and red is my favourite colour. So some days I do it anyway, out of limited options. I can wear what I like to work these days. Not office work where I have to dress up and buy a new wardrobe each season.

Pretty much the same for work or days off. I wear what I like, comfortable and warm clothes now with it being cold. I bought a new shirt which is a nice shade of purple and very comfortable, made of a towel-like fabric. The only problem is that it got pilled up balls of lint the first time I washed it. So now it is more of an at-home shirt than a going out anywhere shirt. But that is ok. It’s lovely and warm for the evenings at home sitting here on the computer.

I can’t wear things which creep up on my neck. I have asthma and it just makes me feel uncomfortable to have anything too close around my neck.

I don’t usually lounge on the couch. I watch TV in my room while sitting at the computer. I usually change into my nightie and warm housecoat and thick socks so I don’t feel cold. My housecoat is thick fleece with a red and white snowflake pattern. My socks are pink but getting worn out. I need new lounging socks. The nightie right now is deep red, I don’t need to get dressed for work yet so I haven’t, yet.

It’s always something red. If I’m having a yucky day I wear red even though I don’t want to at the time. It perks me up and makes me feel attractive even if I was feeling like an ugly blob when I first walked out the door. Having the right kind of boots helps too. I need to find another pair the old ones are about finished. I’m just not a clothes shopper.

Not My Last Post

I don’t want my last blog post to be a suggestive thing about men… so (should I get hit by a bus on the way to work today) here for your viewing are the blue snowflakes to go along with the red snowflakes which I’m currently using as a blog background. Now you can see why I picked the red ones. Though, red is my favourite colour and I was leaning towards them even before I began the whole snowflake project.