Hello CanAm Club

Hello CanAm Club
4/17/01 6:43 pm

I haven’t been in here for awhile, not that I haven’t thought about this Club now and then. Today Todd and I got a green letter saying our paperwork is accepted for the Adjustment of Status. Just cost $345.00 for them to read our file and send a nice green letter back. Todd is happy but I’m not sure what I feel. I’ll have to find money to take the trip to Chicago to pick up the EAD which could have been mailed, in my opinion. A mere 26 months before we have the interview there together. If I want to spend another hundred dollars on advanced parole I might be able to go to my sister’s wedding.

Does anyone know how many times you can get parole and how long you can stay each time you get it? Could you stay half a year or would you have to get 6 paroles and stay a month each?

Read more of these old posts – Our Adventures with the Fiancé Visa (2000 – 2002)


12/28/00 1:31 pm

I can’t keep the shortened forms clear in my head, just too much crammed in there I guess. :)

Todd and I just got the next round of paperwork from Vermont (VT?). Mostly, its a questionnaire about all my past work as a spy. 😉 Todd is working on filling it all out. Then, he is planning for me to go to Chicago or wherever and deliver it all. Is there an interview then? I really thought I was finished with the solo part of this. But Todd cant really take more time off from work. I feel kind of lost in paperwork. I don’t know what part we are working on now.

Hope you will all be having a nice New Years. If you aren’t married or with your fiance make sure you spend the time with your family well. Later you will have all the time you want with him/ her and only phone calls with your family.

Read more of these old posts – Our Adventures with the Fiancé Visa (2000 – 2002)

Wait for Interview

Wait for Interview
11/19/00 10:18 pm

I sent in the checklist a week ago. How long does it usually take to hear back from Montreal? I was really hoping to have the interview and border crossing done this month. Not that I’m sure I want a December wedding or to miss all the holidays here with everyone I know. :(

Won’t it be so nice when all this is over and we can live like real human beings again. :)

I also feel trapped by this. I’ve felt that way since March though. It does seem that if I can just get to the honeymoon that things will be ok.

Read more of these old posts – Our Adventures with the Fiancé Visa (2000 – 2002)