Teach Our Daughters

We need to teach our daughters to distinguish between:

A man that flatters her and a man that compliments her….

A man that spends money on her and a man that invests in her.

A man that views her as property and a man that views her properly.

A man that lusts after her and a man that loves her.

A man that believes he is God’ s gift to women and a man that remembers a woman was God’s gift to man…

And teach our boys to be that kind of a man…

via Facebook .

2 thoughts on “ Teach Our Daughters

  1. Fantastic! This is your original piece, correct? Because I’ve seen it [or a version of it] posted on Facebook a couple of times, without any author attribution, I posted the link to your blog, along with your name and the copyright symbol. It’s happening way too often on Fb/twitter; people are stealing other people’s words and passing them off as their own. I have zero tolerance for it.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts!

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