Over Watching

This is quoted from a friend online. Of course, he has the typical US anti-soccer/ pro-baseball attitude. I lived in the US and did watch baseball. If there is any sport I would call dull (or close to as dull as watching golf) it would be baseball. The players don’t even look like atheletes, most are chubby. I don’t have a thing against chubby or heavier men, they just don’t seem like athletes (other than the armchair type). Anyway, beyond the soccer, golf, or baseball cultural bias…

Watching any sport is like watching a game play itself. Unless you are actually involved it is all kind of just watching. No wonder people eat when they watch TV, it is kind of unsatisfying and then there are all the commercials for food of course.

Do you watch any particular sport on TV and find yourself going for a snack more often than you would if you were watching a mystery, or game show or just about anything else which does not show people involved in exercise?

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