Crazy Quilt Recycled Denim jacket

I have used all sorts of denim pieces in this jacket, in the CQ style, utilizing some pockets and labels too. I’ve made a number of these jackets and find they’re a great way to use up denim! I’ve also attempted knitting with denim strips too, which isn’t something I would highly recommend. I liked the end result, but my hands didn’t!

via MAGPIE’S MUMBLINGS: Recycled Denim jacket .

I love this idea. I also admire crazy quilting, especially the traditional style using rich fabrics, embroidery, beads, lace and other gorgeous things for trim and extra embellishments.

An EntreCard Contest for FoilWoman

Many of the bloggers at EC ( Entrecard ) are having contests to win EC credits/ points. So far they are based on building traffic. Mine is not.

I offered to make a new graphic for FoilWoman awhile ago. Something she could use as a blog background or a banner or both, up to her where she puts it. But nothing I have tried is anything I would really want to show off. I’m just not a graphic designer, not even great at drawing anything beyond stick figures. I know my proportions are skewed and my dogs could just as easily be elephants. I’m ok with that. It’s just fun for me.

But, I really would like to have FoilWoman with a graphic for her blog. So, the contest idea just came to me as I was making coffee this afternoon.

The rules:

The graphic can be any media – scanned, drawn, photo, etc. But it must be FoilWoman approved at the end. She will be picking the winner. Also, I think it would be fair or nice if she was able to ask for tweaks too. I will post the specifications she emailed to me here so you know what she has in mind.

From FoilWoman – What I’d like (if doable — I’m a grownup — we don’t always get what we want): A picture that depicts me as fairly fierce, that doesn’t hide that I’m not the skinniest chick on the planet, and that incorporates something, like my knitting, like the tinfoil costume, something.

The prize is currently 2,000 EC credits. I have that much sitting in my EC account at the moment. I could offer more, or prizes for runners up. But, right now it is 2,000 which I can donate to the winner.

The deadline is a week. That should be enough time. Or if more time is needed a rough draft could be given to Foil Woman to judge. So deadline will be April 9th, 2008.

Do we need other rules? This is my first ever contest so likely I have overlooked something. Let me know.

FoilWoman is not on EC. But drop in and visit her blog, say hello and get a feeling for her style and personality.

Knitted Slippers

Tonight I was looking online for patterns for knitted slippers . There were a lot of free patterns. My Mom is going to knit a few pairs for Christmas and maybe I will get a pair before she goes down to Florida this year. I never got the hang of knitting. But, I can look for crochet slippers and see how far I get with that. I did manage to figure out granny squares.

Do You Know a Knitter?

I’m not a knitter. But I think this is adorable. I’d want one if I were a knitting type. I do have a charm bracelet. There aren’t any knitting things on it, that I can remember. I like to crochet. At least I can make a pretty good granny square. Found at


I don’t like being part of a specific social group, it tends to be limiting and cause people to become cliquey. I prefer to be involved with groups who have a common interest such as sewing, reading, etc. I’ve never seen someone who knits sneering at someone who doesn’t like knitting. I got burned out from social groups cause they always seem to focus on converting people or trying to be exclusive which really just makes them reclusive.