Your Ruling Goddess

From iGoddess – your ruling goddess, how you are influenced and your food choices:


Mar 21 – Apr 20

Look to any battlefield and you’ll find an Athena-girl with her sword held high. She is generally ambitious, busy and burning the candle at both ends.

Defender of causes and endlessly energetic, you can benefit from food that is hot and spicy. Eat plenty of red food to keep your passionate energy fired up.


Apr 21 – May 21

Health, heart and hearth – these are the three key words that keep Juno girls excited. When her family is happy, she is happy.

Rich foods, heavenly sweets and lots of hearty carbs. Yep, anything tasty and substantial is likely to be on the menu for a Juno gal and her family.


May 22 – Jun 21

According to legend, Persephone shares her time between frolicking in the sunshine and hibernating in the underworld. She is the queen of balancing high and low energies.

Limit any metabolism spikes by grazing on tapas, appetisers, snacks and a variety of bite-sized foods. Eat smaller portions more often to maintain your energy levels.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

As the quintessential child of nature, Diana gals love the wild. They also like being wild, and feel at home connecting with Earth.

Promote the nurturing qualities of Mother Earth by preparing raw and organic foods. These are your comfort foods, so relish nutritionally-rich meals.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

Pele is the volcano goddess of Hawaii, and as such can be occasionally volatile – even if things appear calm on the surface.

Just like your namesake, it’s not uncommon to have a mountainous appetite for food fit for a queen. Pep up the menu with a flaming desert.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

Practical and earthy, the Hestia-girl’s home is her castle. She is intrinsically connected with the source of life: Mother Earth.

If not in your garden attending to your fresh herb and vegetable patch, make sure you enjoy scouring the local grocer for the yummiest organic food.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

With the goddess of love as their patroness, Venus-gals are naturally attracted to decadence, fun and the finer things in life. They love immersing themselves in beauty.

With such an abundance of choice, take your time to decide what you really want to eat. You’re drawn to bright colours and textures so aim for fresh fruit and salad vegetables.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Bast is the Egyptian cat-goddess. It is no surprise therefore that she bestows qualities of playfulness, poise and feline sensuality.

The spicier the better! Food is meant to be enjoyed – take it beyond “functional” and make meals an expression of your creative spirit.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

This Welsh goddess is known for her white mare and her association with the dream world. As such, Rhiannon inspires wanderlust, (usually by adventurous means.)

There is no end to the exciting and exotic foods for you to try. Of course, the best place to eat is in exotic places – the more romantic and far-flung the better.


Dec 22 – Jan 20

Demeter gals excel at pursuing justice and getting projects completed – sometimes at the expense of their own wellbeing.

Keep the energy levels firing with hearty meals. Go for stodgy, filling and stick-to-the-rib foods that will keep you going and going and going.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

Hathor women are open-minded, adaptable and expert shape-shifters. They transcend boundaries to keep their lives interesting and full of magic.

Yes, sometimes it is unfair that you have to eat earthly food – if only you could eat the fare of angels from plates made of clouds! Go for divinely inspired concoctions instead.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Oshun is the beautiful African river goddess that inspires her women to strive for their best. Anything’s possible with Oshun’s gifts of love.

Ahhh, with the ocean as your mother, how can you resist a magnificent seafood banquet? Dive into a wide range of oceanic delights.