Laura Brown (thatgrrl) on

I started online in 1996. In college I had taken Corporate Communications which had a focus on news writing and public relations.

I have worked for networks like HerPlanet, Suite101,, LockerGnome, and BackWash. I’m an ASCII artist and was an Editall with the Open Directory Project.

Currently, I produce my own sites and contribute to a few others. I have years of experience, insight and a lot of opinions about writing and publishing on the Internet.

In my own time I like to photograph abandoned places, mainly farm houses, around Ontario.

via Laura Brown (thatgrrl) on .

Pledging to Read the Printed Word


Read the Printed Word!

I posted this on Word Grrls too, it’s very much word and writing related. I wanted to add it here too cause it’s a personal cause. I hate to think of a day coming when everyone will be reading digital media only. No more taking your book to bed with you. One of the most romantic things I can do by myself and for myself. It’s something I can look forward to all day, especially when the book is especially good.

Uplifting and Light, Happiness Blogs

From Adrienne Brown, writing The Bright Side, here are the links she lists as sites that spread the joy:

Looking at Courses at Georgian College

The problem is that none of these seem to be available right now,  cancelled, or in another town. I’m going to send a note and see what they say about them and the availability.

Writing for Profit (COMU 0055)
Turn your love and writing talent into money through editorial publications, promotional material, greeting cards and ghost writing. This course is for committed writers who want to make money through freelance work.

Intro to Writing for Newspaper (COMU 0032)
Community newpapers are always looking for savvy writers and this five-hour workshop will help you break into the local scene by helping you think and write like a seasoned reporter. Learn how to hook your reader with great leads and write with precision using Canadian Press style.

Creative Writing Fundamentals (COMU 0048)
While learning the basics of good writing, students are introduced to a variety of writing styles and Canadian writers. Classes consist of lectures, discussions, readings, critiques and films. Students are encouraged to read aloud their short works of prose and poetry to receive constructive, oral feedback.

Cartoon Basics (DART 0084)
This course introduces the basic elements necessary to design and construct cartoons for a variety of media. Instructor Bob Kain.

Does anyone know about Cory Doctorow?


The first piece of writing I put into this I was told I write like Stephen King. But it was a short bit I wrote as a writing prompt and an odd style. An off style for me. My second try at it came back:

I write like
Cory Doctorow

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software . Analyze your writing!

I’ve heard the name Cory Doctorow but don’t know a thing about him or his writing.