Twitter: Verified Accounts

Twitter is doing a Verified Account thing for celebrities using the service. Is this practical for them? Do they really want to be found? Some do I’m sure. I don’t think I would. I’d like to be able to talk to friends or just use it anonymously, not being spied on and judged for every least thing I type.

It is nice for people who want to follow celebrities. I admit, I did look up Keanu Reeves this past week. Didn’t find an account I thought really was his. But, how could you really know, unless it is verified. Keanu Reeves is likely to have an anonymous account, probably wouldn’t even use his full name. If he was even on Twitter at all.

If he is though… he could Twitter me for a little conversation.

Celebrities on Twitter. Try the link, beware, it’s kind of addicting and mind sucking. Like hearing a conversation at another table or three.

Hair Tan Lines and Other Useless Stuff

My hair has a tan line. Like an expiration or best before date where the dye stops and the old colour (my natural colour) begins. I love my natural colour, I’m not too fond of those insolent grey hairs that started coming in along with my natural colour.

People tend to say I look a lot younger than I am. I feel my age in some ways. But, really, what is your age? It’s just a number. A number of years. I don’t feel 80 yet and I don’t feel 20 still. So, somewhere in there, is where I am.

I’ve given up TV for now at least. It is all just a fuzzy mess if I forget and switch it on. I’ve gone without TV for a few years before. The only thing I missed were The Gilmore Girls but I caught up a lot in re-runs the past year or so. These day I like Being Erica. CBC runs it on the web, so I don’t have to miss anything. I just open up their site each week and watch it, commercial free even.

I was wondering if going back to dial up Internet would really be all that noticeably slow. My high speed isn’t fast. Firefox hangs frequently. But, then I remembered that it isn’t the websites and blogs we wait to load, it’s the frugging ads! If you wonder why it costs so much for Internet, now you know. The ads take more time to load than the text or image content on the page. In nearly every case. Web designs work to keep page load time quick and simple. Ad companies don’t give a flying squirrel how long you sit there and wait for everything to load. Bastards!

I want a web browser that I can censor out some of the worst offenders. Like the old pop up window blocker. Now we need one to block out ad domains like com. That one fouled up my browser this morning. I had to restart the whole computer. I had just reformatted the whole PC last night so it began with a clean drive, no junk and no cookies and nothing else that could have caused a jam up.

That is about all I am going to blab right now. I still have to take out the garbage tonight. I’m still stalling cause it is cold. :(

St Patrick's Day Banner


I should be home again on Tuesday. Will be so glad to have my own computer again. My sister has Rogers for her Internet and it is very slow. I get impatient waiting 15 minutes for it to do anything. Then I end up clicking on something else cause it moved at the wrong time. Urghh!

I found a St Patrick’s Day banner I like. I’m including it here so I don’t end up leaving it on my nephew’s computer.

Cut Promotion Pollution on Twitter

Use Twitter Karma to get a list of those who follow you and those you follow. Why is this of any interest? Because you can see on one page which people are following you in return and which are just ignoring you – only keeping you as a notch on their bedpost.

I have three which I know are set up like Twitter newsletters. I am ok with them cause I read their blogs fairly regularly too. But there is one which asked me to follow them but is now not following me in return. Sorry, but there is no excuse for asking me to listen to your babbling and then putting a cork into it when it comes to listening to me babble.

Kind of a handy thing to run Twitter Karma. Lady Banana posted the link in her Twitterings.

The Evil Eye of Rogers Cable


Rogers is gone! I’m back to using Bell for the Internet again and it is faster, again. This is some of the Rogers stuff I pulled out from the back of the phone, computer and TV. The technician came and only took the boxes and TV remotes. Even he didn’t want to mess with that snake nest of cables and wires. I did though. Now I can plug in my radio again. Missed having it when Rogers took over every last plug in my power bars (2 of them). Now I could plug in several radios if I really wanted to. Nice to have Rogers gone and not feel so caught by all their cables in my room. I took this photo cause that last box was weird. It had no source of power, all the plugs and cables were disconnected yet that last evil eye from Rogers gleamed for hours and hours. I gave up checking it when I went to bed. In the morning it was finally out.

Bye bye Rogers. Don’t ever darken my door again!

The Down the Drain Circle of the Days of Our Lives


I feel like I’m made of broken glass. I don’t know how I will keep my patience babysitting for a weekend. I just will, somehow. Though one of my sister’s daughters just seems to rub me the wrong way and she’s only six. So you can’t really do much about it.

Today the repair person was out for the washer from Sears. It’s going to be another week without a clothes washer. He is bringing a part out next week. I have a garbage bag halfway full of very wet and heavy laundry which got wet but not washed. I will lug it around to my sister’s house and was it there. At least I’m saving water, bringing most of it with me. See how green you can be when you really put your mind to it!

The new tenant is moving into the new basement apartment tomorrow. I don’t know how that will be. I only saw him for a few seconds once. My first impression was that he was a scruffy looking young guy. There is no door to keep him from coming upstairs into the rest of the house. Why is it that my brother who enjoys pulling cons and talking about ways to take advantage of the system is so shockingly trusting when it comes to something like this? If you meet someone once and they don’t try to kill you off or something that means you can trust them with everything you own. I just don’t see it that way. If I wake up and some guy I don’t know is standing over my bed watching me sleep I will not be polite about telling him to vacate the premises.

Also, we now have the basement empty of everything we had stored down there. One small room which has the water heater has some storage. My brother has gone bananas though and tried to get everything out of there too. So my bedroom is now full to the rafters with as much as I could save from him. I don’t want everything in the garage or thrown out, thanks anyway. I did tell him/ remind him that we do still have the water heater room and can put some things in there. So some of it went back down there again. Mostly some antique furniture and a little of the Christmas stuff. My Xmas tree however is in a well ripped up box and shucked into the garage where I know mice will be nesting in it. I will be so eager to put that tree up again, NOT.

My bedroom light seems to have gone out. I won’t even mention it to him cause he will just start yelling at me again.

He still wants to put all my yarn in that basement room where I won’t be able to use any of it cause the plan is to only store stuff down there that we don’t use often. So that the basement can be left for the tenant. But, if he keeps putting everything I own down there I will be going down there often or just giving up on everything, which I feel really close to doing at this point. I know it is just being stressed out, feeling trapped and being told what to do. Things I have never liked or tolerated well. Usually I just stay quiet and choose my battles. But when it is forced on me for months and months and years… I am getting a bit crazy at this point. I feel like I don’t actually have a place anywhere. I really want a place of my own, where I can live. I think I will just go nuts the way things always keep going.

Probably there are people in the world who wouldn’t be bothered by any of this and wonder what my problem is. But that isn’t me.

At least I have a nice coffee again. I was using a generic French Vanilla from the PC grocery store. It used to be ok, it’s not ok any more. I won’t buy it again. Even the Second Cup coffee doesn’t seem as good as it used to be. Maybe it’s just me and the broken glass feeling which seems to be sinking into every cell of my body. I hope coffee starts to taste good again when some of this is over.

I caught up most of the bills, had payments on everything but Rogers. I cancelled Rogers cause the Internet is like high speed dial up. I tested it out and I really can read a few pages of a book while I wait for each site or page of a site to load. Why would anyone pay $150 a month for Rogers service? They really messed up the phone too. The cable seemed ok but I can’t find the channels I want to watch. With Bell I was able to set favourites and search through only those channels. Made it much easier. I’m glad I will be starting again with Bell next month.

I hope I am home for Doodle Week, staring on Monday. I don’t want to see that die off. Been hard to feel creative or anything. But I don’t want to give up on it.

By Monday most of the stuff will be done. Sears will fix the clothes washer. The apartment will be rented and whatever will be will be with that. Graham, my brother, won’t be coming out here almost everyday complaining about everything I do or think or dare to say. I even have Rogers handled, for now, I think. I explained that I’m not employed and paying Rogers isn’t a priority. After all, what does it matter if you have Internet and cable if your power has been cut off. Stupid big company bastards.

I do want to find a job. Well, not really. I really don’t want to be listening to anyone else wining or making rules any more. But I do want a pay cheque to spend on bills and the odd latte. I could really start doing work for that BOTW site. I want to, I just can’t seem to settle in and stick with it. It doesn’t help that my room is so full of clutter right now and I’m wondering what else my brother decided to throw away.

Anyway, I don’t know when they are coming but they should be coming soon to pick me up for another round of babysitting. Just two days of sleeping on the broken couch and then I will be back here. Makes you have a whole new appreciation for your own bed, no matter what else is going on in your life your bed is always there, waiting for you to snuggle in.