
The Day of Gingerbread Latte

I’m just the right kind of tired to go to bed early and actually get to sleep. Then wake up a few hours later in time to watch a late movie. But, I am watching Cold Case now so I’m keeping myself up. If I wasn’t such a sap for that show I would just get changed and snuggle up on my floor/ bed. Even my feet are tired.

I started the day with the alarm clock merrily bleeping at me. Alarm clocks can be so rude. I had a first date in the morning with Howard. We had breakfast at a place called Futures and then went to a bookstore which was along the same street, BMV. I found three books there. Two non-fiction about drawing cartoons and one fiction which was just a buck from the bargain basement. We had a good first date and I introduced him to the gingerbread latte at Second Cup after the bookstore.

Then I took the subway back to Woodbine. I thought about going somewhere but then I remembered noticing a Value Village just off the Woodbine subway. So I headed there and the grocery store after. I found a make up bag which I will use for the camera, batteries and the extra cable I have (the travel cable). That way I can pack it to go and not always cart it around in my purse. The batteries make it pretty heavy. My shoulder started to ache today while walking around the bookstore.

Before I got the bus back here I had a conversation with a homeless woman, Kim. She has been homeless about a week. She can’t work because she is taking a bunch of medicine for fibromalgia arthritis (likely I don’t have that spelled right). Anyway, I could only give her a twoonie, just don’t have the spare bucks for more. I think she liked talking for awhile. It must be pretty hard to live that way and make you feel quite low. It was interesting for me. I had heard that the women on the streets (homeless women) can’t get into the shelters cause almost all of them are for men only. So the guys can get a shower and bed for the night and the women are left out in the cold. Maybe when it was all set up there were rarely any women living that way. But it seems to be changed now. Kim is the second homeless women I have encountered in this area. I didn’t talk very long to the other woman but I gave her a twoonie too. Not because I’m especially charitable, I just think the twoonie will mean more to them than the coffee, food or whatever it buys. I imagine standing out there, homeless, is worse than any telemarketing job. (Which is something I have done, twice).

Anyway, tonight I am smelling the aroma of of cigarettes from above. At least the kid has stopped charging around up there. Why do they let him make so much noise? Makes me want to go up there and scream at them. There is no need for it. No one else makes that much noise walking around up there and the kid should be the lightest one and make the least noise.

I need more coffee. Hard to find a good one at the grocery stores. Maybe I can find a Second Cup with beans for sale tomorrow. Some of them seem to carry almost no coffee beans. I am thinking about going to the library too. Maybe even getting a library card.

The flowers from above came from Amy Fraser .

Twoonie posted for the US readers who don’t know about the Canadian 2 dollar coin.

One thought on “ The Day of Gingerbread Latte

  1. That sounds like a good first date. Enough time to get to know something about the other person but not too long in case it’s not working out.

    What’s a twoonie?

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