To All the Smokers I Have Known and Lost

I wrote this as letter to the editor for our local newspaper. It was a reply/ rebuttal to another letter which talked on and on about the freedom and rights smokers should have. I know it is a long and tired argument but it isn’t often that smokers talk about anyone but themselves when they argue for smoking. I thought it was time someone pointed that out. Maybe it will make a difference, likely not. But it was said. Time will tell, time is a blabberwort that way.

Regarding Steve West’s defense of smokers and their rights… Why is the smoker’s lament always “my rights”, “my choice”, me me me.

Let’s think about other people first for a moment. The downside of smoking related health problems are pretty well documented. Health and health care for smoking related illnesses and those caused by second hand smoke. Also, smoking puts people at risk for other health problems, other kinds of cancers for one. It even affects those not born yet. If we could eliminate smoking as a health problem our economy would benefit too. There could be more money available for research or cures for other illnesses which are not self-inflicted. Governments and other organizations could put their resources into more essential things like daycare, eldercare, etc. There could even be more resources to really help people stop smoking rather than trying to convince them it would be a good idea to try.

Then there is the environment. Smoking causes a visible pollution in the air, it deposits a film of grime on surfaces like car windows and walls inside homes. Smokers choose to flick their cigarette butts on our sidewalks, in public parks, at bus stops, outside of shopping malls and restaurants. That’s called littering yet it is overlooked. If each cigarette butt were a pop can, coffee cup, plastic bag, water bottle or pet poop would it be overlooked then? Do smokers even notice butts piled up in places where children tend to pick things up?

Now lets talk about you. Have you looked at your teeth lately? Have you smelt your breath? Unless you use a pretty strong whitening toothpaste (which isn’t helping the durability of your tooth enamel) your teeth are grungy looking. Kissing you is like kissing an ashtray. Sitting next to you in public place is stinky business. I can smell it on your clothes, in your hair. When you sit next to me I come away smelling like smoke too and it bothers me all day, until I get home and shower. It’s not doing your clothes any favours either is it? Do you have that hacking cough in the morning? My smoking relatives do. Sounds awful, like they are struggling to cough their lungs out so they can breathe again. How much fun is that?

Now lets get to me. I am a non-smoker. I have asthma. I have a physical reaction to your smoking. It makes it hard for me to breathe. I’m not just asking for you to put out your cancer stick because I don’t like it. I don’t like not being able to breathe the air. It’s a habit I’ve grown into. Much like your own habit except I started a lot younger and really do think I should have the right, the freedom and the choice to continue doing so.

I forgot to add about the extra cleansers needed to clean up smoking grime, how those are all extra detergents and chemicals being added to our water, our ecosystem.

Blog Talkers: Afraid

BlogTalkers : When was the last time you were afraid? What scared you? And how did you conquer your fears as a child? How do you conquer your fears today? What scares you the most? Do you have nightmares? If so, what are they? What was the most bizarre nightmare you’ve ever had? What was the most bizarre nightmare anyone has ever told you?

I’m still afraid of the dark. It’s silly but true. Last night doing laundry in the basement I had to go down into the dark room and feel around the corner for the light switch. Just a bit creepy to reach out into the dark. My other worst nightmares were around the time I was immigrating to the US and marrying down there. I dreamed all my hair and teeth were falling out.

My worst nightmares have been where the devil came to see me. Kind of funny cause I don’t believe in hell or the devil. But it was the scariest, most real feeling dream I ever had. I had the same kind of dream twice, different locations where he was wearing different clothes and faces.

I try not to have fears about things like spiders, toads, etc. Those are all such little things, fun kind of things to be afraid of when you think of the really big things out there. I’m afraid I will die an old wretched bag lady, alone and without a roof over my head. I’m afraid I won’t ever have a real place of my own to feel and be at home. Those are real things to be afraid of. Spiders just don’t have much on that.

Stand By Grrl

This morning I woke up early – early for a day I didn’t have to go into work. The plan was to go to the road test and wait on stand by in case someone else missed their appointment and I could step in and get my road test done early. It is scheduled for November 29th. (Those who live in the area should keep that date in mind and stay well back from all road ways).

Anyway, I got up, brushed hair and teeth and all other things brushable. I was ready to go out the door when I realized something was out of place, outside. It had snowed. Not just a light dusting or a little, pretty sprinkle, it was a real heavy snow. Covering the stairs, driveway and the car. I thought a moment about how I should, or could, get them all brushed off. I ended up settling on just brushing off the car.

I hadn’t decided for sure about the road test until I was driving on my way there and had the brakes on the car get stuck. I went through a red light in a school zone with my foot on the brake. So, I thought it would be a good day not to be on stand by for the road test. It was the highway test after all and the highway was looking pretty snowy and slow when I had a look on my way to the shopping mall section of town.

I bought the new digi camera, a Panasonic Lumix. It has 10x optical zoom which was the big thing I was looking for. I’m not sure what the MB level is. I was pretty focused on the zoom thing. It does have other nice features and I am trying them out a bit this afternoon. One pretty big downside if the file size for photos taken with this camera versus my old one which was a 3.1 MB camera. The new photos suck up MB like like a rabid anteater at a picnic. I didn’t expect this. I’m even thinking about keeping the oldie camera so I can take a few photos which will still be ok for using online and in the weblog in particular. I’m sure there is a way to shrink down the file size, I just have to find it.

So, no road test done today but I did get the camera and drive back here all without killing the car. I wasn’t really looking forward to sitting there on stand by all day anyway. Like waiting for someone to pull a switch before the torment begins.

The Poop Man Wants Sex

My sister’s husband wants more sex. With her. Just adding that to be clear.

But, like so many people he has limited understanding beyond what he wants and needs. I’m sure he feels he is being treated badly and should have all sympathy for his rotten wife who isn’t giving him the sex he wants.


The man is a poop, literally.

What woman could work up enthusiasm to have sex with a man who wears his poop all day, creates poop displays on the toilet each morning and has pretty much stopped brushing his teeth. Making you wild with lust?

The only mystery is why men think we would want to have sex with them. Yes, please shove the fingers you’ve just been scratching your butt with inside my body. I love it when your breath makes me gag. Your farts are so musical and make me just want to get that much closer to you so I can see the poop on your balls. Oh baby!

Right, now I have some Canadian tundra to sell you. Cheap.

It is funny that my sister’s husband is taking on the habits of my exhusband. We didn’t have kids though. I think my sister is kind of stuck with her poop man. But, she doesn’t have to have sex with him.

The really funny thing is that he thinks she is the one who needs to change. She is such a meanie to not have sex with him. Maybe he’ll buy her some sexy lingerie so she can look sexy for him. Sure, that’ll work.

Keep an Open Mind?

I came to a site called OpenMind from my latest blog space renter, KizzyKim . Open Mind is another politically correct site about being perfect and accepting everything. How nice. Yet, how silly.

Why should we accept everyone and everything? Keep some prejudices, don’t become some kind of blank book where you have no memory of things which happened in the past and no reasons for being careful or judgemental. I don’t like the happy pill swill sites like Open Mind. They expect us to swallow and regurgitate back out some mindless drivel about how everyone is equal and should have full rights and nothing held against them. That is buloney. You can’t go through life wearing blinders. You also shouldn’t go through life expecting everyone has taken the same happy pill each morning.

I don’t agree with some things which are politically correct in society now. I’m not going to change that, it’s based on my experience and how I feel about the world and the people on it. I’m not about to go around burning people or beating them up. But, I’m not going to smile and pretend everything is just fine and okay with me. I have some standards, ideals and opinions of my own.

What about you? If you are truly honest with yourself, do you really agree with all the politically correctness we are told to accept? What do you accept, what do you tolerate and what do you grind your teeth about yet say nothing?

I think the most interesting thing about all of this is that once you give freedoms and acceptance to one group of people (Pagans, gays, gun lovers, little green aliens, etc) you have to take some freedom and acceptance away from another group (think smokers and non-smokers). So, all this open mindedness is really a sham. It doesn’t exist, but it does look really nice on paper, newspapers, magazines, TV shows and movies.

Another One Sucked into PayPal

I’ve been sucked up like an ice chip in a straw. Sucked right between the front teeth of the gaping maw that is PayPal. I can still hear the squelching sounds.

I tried PayPal before but they screwed up and I couldn’t get money which had been paid into my account. That made it pretty pointless to stick around. Now I’m back, only because there is software I want to buy on I know… sucker… but there are more of us born every minute.

Who else has been sucked into PayPal?