Blog Talkers: Goals 2008

Blog Talkers : Goals

Where were you at midnight, when it became 2008? What sort of goals did you set for yourself for 2008? Have you met those goals? Are you working on those goals? Have your goals changed? If so, how? What are your goals for the remainder of 2008? Are you looking forward to 2009? Or are you just taking one day at a time?

I’m not a great goal setter. I tend to take everything as it comes along. I especially don’t want to set big, high goals and then disappoint myself again and again. That just makes you feel discouraged from trying.

Blog Talkers: My Imaginary Life

Blog Talkers : My imaginary life.

I have several imaginary lives. I daydream about them often when I have time to just think about nothing much. Most often I’m attending some glamourous function with Keanu Reeves or some other tall, dark and interesting creature. I design my own gown for these events. That’s even more fun than thinking about Keanu.

If I have time still after the gown is designed I make a whole scenario. Sometimes there are children and sometimes there are babysitters or no children at all. I’m not a crazy stalker but I have read and heard a few things about Keanu. Having it all based on some reality is more interesting than just a talking to myself kind of daydream, imaginary life.

Keanu is sweet, romantic, a great kisser (not one of those loose lipped slobbery types). He enjoys conversation as well as holding hands, stroking my back and brushing my hair. He also likes going places: the bookstore, the local festival/ event, spontaneous road trips, flea markets, the bedroom. Sometimes we travel on his motorbike. Sometimes we just walk around.

In all of these adventures I am slim and my hair is not at all frizzy. It’s so nice to have imaginary great hair along with the imaginary great size 10 or whatever it is.

Not that Keanu is essential in all of my imaginary lives. He just seems to suit me, the version of him I have created: the romantic musician and hockey playing biker dude. A nice guy but not stupidly nice, a little bad boy makes it all more interesting. Just as I only seem nice, inside I am deviously taking over the world, all polite and unsuspected.

Blog Talkers: What Do You Read?

Blog Talkers : What book is on your nightstand now? Tell us about it, post a blurb. If you’re reading it, do you like it? If you haven’t started, what are your expectations? Would you recommend it to a good friend? What type of stories do you like to read the most often? Why?

I’m reading the last in the The Circle trilogy by Nora Roberts, her vampire paranormal fiction try. The writing is ok but I find her books kind of drag on and then have a few good spots, just enough to keep you going to the end. But, overall I wouldn’t add her as one of my favourites.

I don’t keep books on my nightstand. I always have the book I’m reading crammed into my purse for any moment I manage to get away for a coffee after work and before catching the bus for home/ work.

My favourite reading is something science fiction. I really like stories about the end of the world/ civilization and how people manage to regroup and survive a huge change to their lifestyle and the planet itself. I read one (which I can’t remember the title or author now) about having a biochemical in the air which caused all oil based products, like plastic, gas, etc, to break down and dissolve. That made an interesting story, had a huge impact on everyday life and the planet too.

I also read paranormal fiction. Also known as the vampire stuff. I resisted all the vampire stuff for a few years as it become more and more popular. I finally started reading it cause the writers I like were writing it. I still am not a vampire groupie but I like the aspect of it being another culture, underground and yet existing with the everyday. I think the book I have most liked lately as just a story idea was Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere. It was also an underground culture, existing on the fringes of our own. Mainly I like anything written well, not violent and gross, which is about something really creative which show a change in the day to day existence, an option not considered in the everyday normal stuff.

Blog Talkers: Afraid

BlogTalkers : When was the last time you were afraid? What scared you? And how did you conquer your fears as a child? How do you conquer your fears today? What scares you the most? Do you have nightmares? If so, what are they? What was the most bizarre nightmare you’ve ever had? What was the most bizarre nightmare anyone has ever told you?

I’m still afraid of the dark. It’s silly but true. Last night doing laundry in the basement I had to go down into the dark room and feel around the corner for the light switch. Just a bit creepy to reach out into the dark. My other worst nightmares were around the time I was immigrating to the US and marrying down there. I dreamed all my hair and teeth were falling out.

My worst nightmares have been where the devil came to see me. Kind of funny cause I don’t believe in hell or the devil. But it was the scariest, most real feeling dream I ever had. I had the same kind of dream twice, different locations where he was wearing different clothes and faces.

I try not to have fears about things like spiders, toads, etc. Those are all such little things, fun kind of things to be afraid of when you think of the really big things out there. I’m afraid I will die an old wretched bag lady, alone and without a roof over my head. I’m afraid I won’t ever have a real place of my own to feel and be at home. Those are real things to be afraid of. Spiders just don’t have much on that.

Blog Talkers: Annoyed

Blog Talkers : Annoyed. What annoys you? What do you do that annoys other people? Are you quick to lose your temper? How often do you get annoyed? Do you have a short fuse? Tell us about the last time you were annoyed – REALLY annoyed.

I have a short fuse when I’m already frustrated or feeling trapped by someone or some thing. I very rarely get really angry. The last time was about 2 years ago.

I don’t talk about anger much. I grew up being told I was just being too sensitive or blowing things out of proportion so I just stopped getting angry. I try not to let anything of negative feelings show at all whether it’s anger or sadness, etc. In life it seems you are really only allowed to be happy and pleasing to others. Anything less is your fault and you have to deal with it alone.

Sometimes I have my blog as an outlet for my feelings. But, in reality I am either outgoing and social or just very quiet.

Blog Talkers: A Joke

Blog Talkers : Joke. What is a joke to you? What do you find funny? Do you appreciate a good practical joke, or do you think practical jokes are cruel? What is the best joke you’ve ever played on someone. What is the best joke you’ve ever heard?

To me a joke is something that makes you laugh. Not everyone laughs out loud, even a soft secret laugh is a big deal for some people. Just as big as a belly laugh that floods the room with sound from someone else.

I laugh at something clever, something real like day to day things that happen to everyone. Finding humour in the ordinary is a real skill. Bringing a new slant to the ordinary is always great.

Practical jokes are a little cruel. It all depends on how everyone reacts after the punchline. It’s not funny if someone is put on the spot of pretending they’re laughing on the outside and not hurt on the inside. It’s not really funny to pick on someone else. It’s also far too easy.

I don’t remember jokes. I guess when it comes to jokes and humour I just live in the moment.